Friday, July 14, 2017

The ideal food for children

A healthy and balanced diet is essential for the optimal growth of children. Their eating habits not only influence the weight and size of children according to their age, they also directly influence their health status through their cholesterol or triglyceride counts.

The nutritionist Lucía Bultó, the author of the book Nutrinanny's Advice, the solutions that work for the feeding of children, offers us in this interview the best tips to develop an ideal diet for children.

Tips for children to eat everything

What is the ideal food for children? What are the goals of good infant feeding?

Good nutrition for children is one that is varied, sufficient and balanced. The goal of good child feeding is for the child to eat well so that their growth is complete and adequate. We must give you the material you need to reach the size and weight of your age in a healthy way.

How can we get children to eat everything and in the right amount?

The child is an apprentice and we have to teach him just as he is taught math or geography. The child has to teach him to eat and there has to be a point of authority in that learning, through the parents, the school, the grandparents ... The child has to eat everything in quantity not very large because sometimes we sin Want the child to eat too much. You have to eat depending on your age, your size and also your appetite because your appetite is a symptom of the child's needs.

What should be changed from crushed to solid food for the baby?

As any change has to be gradual, the key is to maintain the fruit and vegetable taste throughout this transition. We will change the texture, going from a liquid texture much easier to swallow and swallow, to a texture with a little more grain, bigger. And the child has to be able to puncture, to see different colors, to try other textures ... The children have to go towards the solid food, but not from one day to another nor from one month to another, we need a time for the child Is capable of admitting that flavor in crushed texture and in solid, in pieces.

Do children eat too much meat? What are the consequences of excess protein?

Proteins are overvalued nutrients erroneously. Most people think that the main nutrient is protein, and that's a mistake because there are 6 nutrients and 6 are just as important. An excess of protein, in 99 percent of cases, is linked to an excess of fat. In the meat, there are proteins, the same as in the egg, in the ham but there is also fat and cholesterol. An excess of protein is usually linked to excess fat, cholesterol, and saturated fats. That can favor obesity and an excess of fats in the blood.

What happens when children take too many carbohydrates?

When children take too much of something, they have an excess and it always becomes fat, because the body does not eliminate all that is left over. It's not like water; I drink a lot and go to the bathroom more. With the subject of caloric nutrients is not this way, the body in anticipation of times of famine, when it does not find energetic substrate to maintain the life, has a great predisposition to reserve. An excess of carbohydrates or proteins, the body reserves it in the form of fat, favoring obesity.

What is the balanced amount of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and vitamins that children should take?

There are amounts set by the health authorities of WHO (World Health Organization). They are a guide to take a starting point: half of the calories, that is, 50 percent should come from carbohydrates, between 12 and 15 percent in the form of protein and between 25-35 percent In the form of fat. In each case, it will be the pediatrician and the nutritionist who will refine the percentages.

What should we put on the children's plate?
In principle, we should fill half the plate with foods rich in carbohydrates: bread, pasta, potato, rice. A 12-15 percent should be reserved for protein foods: meats, fish, eggs, ham, legumes, lentils, beans and chickpeas. And the rest would correspond to the fat, which is already linked to the meat (the fat of the meat), the oil with which we season or prepare the dish or the nuts that are very rich in fat.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Are You Choosing The Right Car Seat For Your Child?

First of all many parents do not even know that children should be carried in special seats called infant car seat, baby car seat, booster car seat etc. For them I will say, don’t you dare think you are good at keeping your child safe! Using car seats are vital because in any car crash it will help to hold your child securely. Of all the things you buy for your child, the right car seat is a must among them. Compromising with this safety kit may cost the life of your precious child and cause major injuries. Therefore, it

The following post Are You Choosing The Right Car Seat For Your Child? is courtesy of

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

10 Tips That Can Ensure Car Seat Safety In Winter

Sunny days of summer are long gone. Temperature has started to drop everywhere and the winter is coming. You might be thinking that covering your child with thick jackets and blankets is the best option. Yes, you are right but not when your child is in a vehicle. When you are carrying your child in your car in the wintry weather, obviously it is important to keep him warm but safety comes first! You have to understand the risk that winter coats and other unnoticed things can create when your child is in a car seat. Therefore, here are some

10 Tips That Can Ensure Car Seat Safety In Winter is courtesy of

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Six Common Car Seat Mistakes You Might Not Know!

Suppose it is a regular day, you are driving to the mall and have your kids in the car. You are checking on them if they are all right beside you in the car seat, all buckled up. It seems like they are safe and secure but have you ever thought you might be wrong? Although, you make sure to put on the seat belt every time. However, are you taking the right precaution? Because there are some common mistakes regarding car seat, you might not know. Sometimes these little things may cause serious injuries and even cost the life

The blog post Six Common Car Seat Mistakes You Might Not Know! was first published to Infant Adviser Buying Guide

Saturday, March 11, 2017

How to care for baby's delicate skin in winter

One of the parts of the body that should be taken care of in winter is the skin of the little ones. External aggressions such as wind, cold and exposure to heating make the skin dry and irritated, so we will talk about how to care for the baby's delicate skin in winter.

The baby's skin is thinner than that of adults so he needs specific care during the colder months of the year.

Hydrated skin, healthy skin

It is very important to moisturize the baby's skin, ideally after bathing when your skin is still moist. Choose a special hypoallergenic moisturizing lotion for newborns, whether in cream or oil, from any of the top brands for babies like Johnson and Mustela, Avene, Cetaphil etc.
baby lotion Extend the lotion throughout the body giving a gentle massage, not forgetting the folds, feet, hands and face.

In addition, before going out or on the road, you can also give her a little moisturizer to better protect the face and hands. Shea butter is phenomenal because it contains nutritive, protective and healing properties.

For their part, there are children with atopic dermatitis whose symptoms worsen in the colder months and need specific care.

Bath time

At bath time you should avoid very hot water so that the skin does not overcoat. Even many parents wonder if it is necessary to bathe the baby daily. There are experts who do not recommend and who think that bathing them two or three times a week is enough to keep the butt, face, neck and hands clean, at least until they begin to crawl.

You should use a special baby shower gel, which is gentle, as others may be aggressive to the Ph of your skin. If the baby is newborn, it is not necessary to use shampoo, it is enough to clean the hair with the same gel of the bath.
baby bath & shower gel
The water should be at a temperature of about 32 degrees and the bath should not be longer than 15 minutes.

Protect skin from cold and the wind

Children need to take a walk every day, also in winter, but the truth is that the cold makes many times we avoid it for fear that they become ill. If you are going to get the baby out of the house, it is very important to protect him.Carriers are ideal for winter walks because the baby regulates their body temperature with that of the mother. They stay warm and protected.
Protect baby from cold and wind If you use a cart, in addition to the winter coat as a coat, gloves, and cap, it is convenient to place the plastic protector.

Maintain ambient humidity

The use of the heating causes the environment to dry out, so you can counteract it with the use of humidifiers.
Baby humidity Humidifying the air can reverse the process of dehydration of the skin. You can leave it on during the night and ideally use distilled water, but it may also be from the tap.

Not too warm

The baby should be properly housed. It is advisable to take a layer more than we do, but do not overdo it, to avoid sweating. They may appear small granites, especially in areas like the neck, the folds that provoke them itching and injuries.

The most suitable clothes

Dress the baby in natural cotton clothes, avoiding the synthetic fibers and if we are going to put a woolen garment to him, to avoid the direct contact with the skin.
woolen cloth
Also, make sure that the wool does not lose hairs, nor does it use blankets too furry or fur coats.

Friday, February 10, 2017

9 tips to help your baby sleep through the night

Lack of sleep can be the most challenging part when becoming a new parent. If your little one is keeping you up at night, here are some tips that’ll hopefully get your baby to sleep – and stay asleep.

How much sleep?

How much sleep a baby needs varies by age and the individual needs of a child. According the National Sleep Foundation, the recommended hours of sleep are: Hours Newborn: 0-3 months 14-17 Infant: 4-11 months 12-15 Toddler: 1-2 years 11-14 Preschooler: 3-5 years 10-13 The younger your baby, the more restless and odd the sleeping patterns will be. By encouraging good sleeping patterns early on, you’re more likely to get some rest as your baby grows.

Getting baby to sleep

Condition sleep

Get your baby used to different sleep associations. Gently rock your baby while playing white noise. After a few weeks, your baby may begin to fall asleep with the white noise alone. The key is to move from sleep associations that don’t require your presence, so you can both rest soundly.

Set bed rituals

Try to get your baby to bed at a set time, every day. Babies with consistent bedtimes will go to sleep more easily and stay asleep for longer. Get into a night pattern before bed, such as a bath, nursing, followed by rocking. This regular pattern will help remind your baby that bedtime is coming.

Make the most of the day

Teach your baby that daytimes are for eating. Try cluster feeding during the waking hours so they don’t get in the habit of waking up in the night with the need to feed. Encourage activity during the day by singing, talking and playing. Keeping your baby calm and active during the day can help promote better sleep at night.

Set a nap routine

From the age of 3-4 months, get your baby used to a predictable daytime nap routine. Look out for sleep signals and structure naps so they occur roughly at the same time every day. They’re more likely to sleep longer stretches at night this way. Better still, coincide day naps with when you’re most tired so you can get some rest too.

Consider a pacifier

Some babies find comfort in pacifiers and fall asleep more quickly with them. The downside to this is that if your baby loses the pacifier in the middle of the night, you might have to get up regularly and find it.

Rethink allergies

Some babies won’t settle in synthetic sleepwear, so try pure cotton instead. Your baby might also have allergies to detergents, softeners or airborne irritants, so consider using a HEPA filter (which has the added benefit of white noise).

Wear your baby out

If your baby has trouble winding down after an energetic day, carry him or her around in a baby sling half an hour before the designated bedtime. When your baby falls asleep in the sling, ease them into the bed. Both mums and dads can do this – meaning there’s no pressure on one parent... READ MORE